Monday, May 6, 2013

Keep it NATURAL...

Through most of my life I have struggled with acne or some sort of breakout, when I have a baby it gets worse.... I have only had daughters and they say that they suck the beauty out of you, I tend to agree. I just wish with Julia someone would have directed me to natural beauty regimens. I had to take hormones to sustain my pregnancy and I was a hot mess! With Olivia I was terrified I would have to take hormones once again, thank goodness I did not, and I planned the whole thing out with my dermatologist. The beginning was okay, the middle I started to struggle with my back. I have previously blogged that oil cleansing saved me and cleared me up in about a week. My oil of choice and the one that has worked best for me was almond oil. I use oil cleansing to remove my makeup and then either a black clay based or sulfur cleanser. I have also been using a lot of honey, lemon and have recently discovered oatmeal.

Nearing the end of my second trimester my skin has waged a war on my chin. I have been miserable and nothing is working. Introducing oatmeal has helped with the cystic under the skin, painful stuff but there has been a dullness in my face. I've also noticed that my skin is kinda dry but by the end of the day it is so oily.... It's disgusting really AND to top it off my makeup is making my skin itchy. I got online and read and read and discovered the more natural the better. I switched back to an old mineral powder I use to use but is only sold an hour away from me and is super expensive (la Bella Donna), I'm sure any mineral (natural) would work. That helped but still itchy. I am now using a natural mineral based foundation. It's only been a few days and I am not sure about the foundation wear, but my skin doesn't itch any more. I am still oily at the end of the day but its better.

My new regimen is clearing me up, no more new breakouts and its healing my skin. I think the oatmeal is a slam dunk in addition to the other things. During this pregnancy I have learned that there is no one regimen to follow for each person nor is there one regimen for the entire pregnancy, mine has changed with my trimesters, might I add, drastically.

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