Monday, January 19, 2015

Ring ring it's my Calling!

As most of you know and for those who don't know me I can be the most impatient person when I want something. I can also be incredibly persistent. Hey I've always said the squeaky wheel get the grease (the fastest)! So, when I learned that I get a "Calling" after I'm Babtisied I was abviously intrigued. I asked the missionaries what this business was all about and the explained it was my role with in the church. I'm going to take it a little farther and say not only my church, but my community. 

It was game on once I was Babtised. I was told a week or two to expect my call from our Bishop. What?! Two whole weeks?!?! I wasn't having any of that business. That poor bishop should have NEVER  EVER given me his phone number ;)! Day one of being washed clean of my sins I texted with preferences. Day three just a small reminder. Day seven I waited outside his office. Needless to say day seven was the winner. He came by my home last night to deliver the news!! Whoot whoot......

Ladies And gentleman who are reading I get to be a ward missionary. Yes, you read that right. Being as enthusiastic about my faith as I am this is the perfect job. I get to help share the Gospel and the true word of God with everyone..... I get help bring people to our Savior! And HELLO it's an opportunity to make friends and forge so many meaning full relationships. To help build a community, my dream job! Again complete happiness as pictured to the right. 

Oh and PS, I also was just given information to the name of a ranch that does horse therapy for special needs. That dear women will be hearing from me this week..... Again another dream job helping people with the animal I grew up with.  Sunday was a day of amazing gifts and blessings for me! 

How was your Sunday and what were you blessed with?

Love -N


  1. Your enthusiasm and love of the gospel is so refreshing! You will be a FABULOUS ward missionary! So excited to have you in the ward and I definitely want to get to know you!

  2. Thank you so much Sarah. I am always up for smoking a new friend :) we will have to plan something.
