Friday, January 15, 2016

Baptizing my family.....

After a year of membership into my faith I am eligible to start the process to enter one of the
most sacred places one can go. I caught a glimpse of the overwhelming power and beauty the Temple has to offer us as members today.

I spent last week starting to work on my families history. First off if you are not a member of the church you should invest in where you come from. It is so amazing to get to know the people that you come from. The places your families have lived and the people they were.

 I decided that my first time to the temple to do baptismal's for the dead had to be incredibly meaningful for me. That being said I didn't want to do random names this time around (someday I will but, for now my family has a lot of work to do). I went straight to people who mean the entire world to me, the Boylans. I did my homework and because of their diligence in filling the census from Ireland to now they made it rather easy for me. The data entry not so much....

Doing this was powerful for many reasons the first, I made a phone call to my paternal Grandmother who I know little about because I have no relationship with my father. I got to learn some things about her I would have never known otherwise. I am happy because of my faith I opened up a line of communication. Second I got to explain my faith and  bare a Testimony to family members as I gathered information about Great-Grandparents and ultimately received permission to baptize some of my family members. Two of these people are people who were a huge part of my life as a child into early adulthood and two who I have heard about my entire life.

The day for me started at 5:00am (no alarm required) its like they knew it was the day for them and they wanted me up. For those of you that don't' know me well I hate the mornings but, not today. The entire morning there was an overwhelming sense of emotion and company. It felt like I had a house full of people all morning. I teared up every so often for no apparent reason except an overwhelming sense of love. That is just the start of the day...

Any time I do anything within my faith for the first time I am very selective on who I choose to participate with me. I am ridiculously sentimental. I couldn't have found a more perfect person to show me what to do and experience it with.

There is an overwhelming sense of peace at the Temple. You can feel from the outside. You are overwhelmed with it inside. While there I watched a wife have her deceased husband baptized, all I have to say is tears!

When it was our turn it was just like it was one year ago when I did it for myself; a sheer sense spiritual joy (I just recognized the feeling this time). As they read my Great-grandmothers name I could feel her. I could see her just as I did as a child. She was waiting for me. He black hair and her purple outfit. She is still so perfect. Not only could I feel her I could still feel she was the same person and as feisty as ever. I know deep in my soul she accepted that baptismal. When I did my Great-great grandmother its like I could feel her meeting me for the first time. I have stared at her head stone for years, "Mother Mary". My Great-grandfather put her on a golden throne when he talked about her.

Then when it was the male member of my family turn to be baptized and I was able to watch I was staring my Great-grandfather in the face. He was in his ranch clothes and his eyes, I saw his eyes again. I could hear his voice and see the way he moved. As I write this I can close my eyes and see him again just like if he were right here. I was blessed to have him until I was 19 and I was even more blessed that I was so close to him. He was definitely ready. I also did his father and could feel them all. Its like after 12 years I got to say hello and feel him say, 'I love you.'

I took a moment to call my Grandparents this afternoon and let them know I had gone and they loved it. My Grandmother said she dreamed of Grandpa Tom last night.(he knew his big day was coming). I think it brought my Grandfather a sense of calm and peace as they did not have a relationship when he passed. My Grandma who know little about her mom asked me to please find what I can and do the same thing for her. I promised I would and will be back when the Temple opens next month to give a woman we all know little about an opportunity for salvation; more importantly give my Grandmother a sense of comfort.

Not only were we united as a family in our faith but it was renewed sense of my faith to make my testimony even stronger.

I leave these words with you in the name of Jesus Christ - Amen

Love -N

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