My faith.....

Receiving the conformation of the Holy Ghost

There are two parts to my faiths babtisim. The first, I was so excited to share my story about being emerged into those Holy Waters..... The second, happens the following Sunday in front of my entire Ward (concrigation). I was set to receive the Conformation of the Holy Ghost. 

There are many scriptures that testify or this miraculous gift we as Christains in general believe. In my faith I believe and understand it as a gift from our Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ. I found a wonderful passage in the Book of Mormon that describes this spiritual power so well for me. 

For he that diligently seeketh shall find; and the mysteries of God shall be unfolded unto them,by the power of the Holy Ghost, as well in these times of old, and as wellin times of old as in times to come; wherefore, the course of The Lord is one eternal round. 

1 Nephi 10:19

During my babtisim a Sister of my ward explained the Holy Gohst in the most simplistic of ways (I'm paraphrasing here, I hope you get the gist)! She said He is like a blanket. He is there to comfort us in all times. Think about that for just a second. It is like having your best friend with you twenty-four hours a day! A parental figure to help guide you down the right path. Some one who loves and comforts you in your time of need. Who is there for you when days are dark or bright walking hand in hand with you through life. 

The Holy Ghost as explained by President Smith (The President of our church previously not an American President), "Through the Holy Ghost the truth is woven into every fibre and sinews of the body so that it can not br forgotten." He could not be more right! As the members of the Priesthood (a Mormon term) lay they're hands on my head, one hand over another, they are weaving the Holy Ghost into my soul. But I'm blessed enough to have Him woven into every part of my body, mind and human flesh. What a gift!!! 

The best way to describe this sensation is like a wedding. There you are in your church in front of a room full of people. You have selected the Men (i.e. bridal party) to be apart of this once in a life time moment. A moment you are sharing with all these witnesses. Witness who are there to continually remind you you the commitment you have made. That feeling that came over me, just as the song playing when I walked down the isle to marry my husband, when they laid their hands upon my head. CHILLS, happy ones of course.  Utter goose bumps. That's what the Holy Ghost does, He gives you this sensation of a perfect moment, a powerful moment. You feel entering your soul! 

I now know that through all times of happiness, sadness, anger and any other emotion I could feel he will be there to comfort me and guide me. He will give me peace and ultimately he will help me find my way down the winding roads to my Eternal Life and my Heavenly Father. 

Love -N

But I say unto you which hear, Love your enemies, do to them which hate you, 
Bless them that curse you, and pray for them which dispitefully use you.
Luke 6:27-28

In the past year I have been faced with so much hate from people in both my life and my hubby's life.... And lately through my faith we have overcome it all. 

I'm writing this because I read Luke 6:27-28 and many other beautiful passages over the last week and recognized them as things that certainly apply to my life.

This week was the first time I was judged for my very personal decision to be a convert of the Mormon Faith. A friend I considered her family. It deeply saddened me to know that someone so close to us was so quick to pass judgement based on an experience she has had with one Mormon. The generalized propaganda that is the untrue reputation of my faith. In the past I would have engaged a conflict. I would have had to have the last word! But through my faith I have learned patience (something that has never existed in my life) and self control. I no longer needed the last word. I didn't feel the need to justify my choice. Why? Because I know in the heart or hearts that my choice is the true choice. I choose Eternal life! I choose a righteous and clean way live and to raise my daughters in. I choose happiness and an open heart to all things and all people. 

What did I do? I prayed. I prayed for her that her heart be softened and opened. Although she may not embrace my faith I prayed for her to love all people and accept all people. That prayer brought a sense of calm to me. It brought inner peace for me. It healed the hurt because I know that these things happen. I feel The Lord had tested me in this instance and my weakness to be quick to anger and revenge. To me I have conquered another of my faults and flaws. 

The almighty Lord answered my prayer and brought another long-time friend to me with questions and an open heart to learn more about my faith and the Gospel. I am so blessed that she has reached out to me. I feel so blessed to help share the word of our Savior, Jesus Christ. It brings great pleasure and such honor that I get to help be apart of her journey. Today I got a Book of Mormon copy for and highlighted all my favorite passages. I'm so excited to send it to her as I know how powerful and precious it was to me to receive such a personalized copy.

My only regret is I am not in New Mexico to share it with her, to take her to church so she can meet the most kind and welcoming people she would ever meet. I will continue to pray for her in her journey to find our Savior and experience the the miracles and happiness that will come upon her as she studies in the true faith.

My most important journey into my faith and the feelings that came over me.......

(Please note this is my religious testimony and not meant to offend anyone)

There will be no amount of words to fully express what I feel the feelings felt when preparing for this journey! As I have explained in my previous post "My journey to becoming a member of the Church of Latter Day Saints......"  How I found my Savior and the peace of the Holly Ghost which ultimately made me take one of the most easy and powerful steps of my life. 

After my time studying with our local missionaries Elder Reber and Dean the night came where it was time to be babtised. I will remember  this date as one of the important ones like the birth and times of each of my children or day I married my husband.  Sunday January 11, 2015 will forever be sketched in my journals of most meaningful and important days. 


Again thanks to my beautiful neighbor who introduced me to my savior she was an intrical part of planning this glorious time in my life for me. 

I first want to start with my back story and why I was in such a darkness throughout my life. I was diagnosed with PTSD nearly one year ago. This came from a very turmoiled and abussive childhood. I spent many years hiding from. In April of this year I could hide from it no longer and had a breakdown. From that  time i have seen doctors and therapists none of which could help me find away to heal. Well that was until that night I talked about in my previous post about listening to my Book of Mormon Ether 4:15. Since then the darkness was lifted and my heart was opened. I was ready to study and understand the truth. 

With each study I became more and more prepared to receive such a holly power. With each study I drank the words as if they were water for my soul. Studying several times a week and feeding to very hungry 20 something boys I bonded with this new community. I formed a relationship with the my Heanenly Father and my Savior, Jesus Christ. With each sudy my heart was opened. I did each reading the pamphlet suggested and every time the Elders came I was so eager to share with them what I found and the importance  of it to me. There is something that makes a scripture so much more special and powerful when you can say it out loud and share it with the people around you..... A lot of people get a lot of text messages when I'm was studying, both members of my faith and others that I feel may enjoy that particular word of the gospel. 

As my studies came to an end (end leading up to my babtisiam) I felt nearly whole........ That was until I realized the power that would overcome me on the night I made my covenants with my Savior in a room filled with people. There is no feeling that describes the feeling when the door to the Fount opens and you are stepping into those holly waters to the next chapter in your life. There is unending happiness, joy, and an ecstasy that comes over you knowing you are about to be re-born into such a clean and righteous life. With each step down into water the feelings become more and more intense. By the time I reached my destination and took my place I was shaking...... It was all so powerful and beautiful. As I looked to my left I saw both my daughters and extacy as I heard my Bishop say my name and quickly emerge me into the waters to wash me clean of all my sins. When brought up a feeling of complete peace, comfort and love overwhelmed me. My heart was whole again. As I write about it the emotion and the sensations overwhelm me once again. 

There is such beauty in of all of it that no man or woman can explain and no picture can capture. The best way to describe it; it is like the day your baby is layed on your chest for the first time and you get your first look. That overwhelming power of love. Now multiply that and a sense of security by billions and that is an incling of what I felt. 

In the name of Jesus Christ 


Love -N

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