Friday, January 9, 2015

My journey to becoming a member of the Church of Latter Day Saints......

Note: This is my religious testimony and not meant to offend anyone. 

I feel like my journey started years ago. As a child there was always an idea of of religion in my life and when I say that I mean a very lose translation of it. I went to different churches here and there with different people. My Grandmother was Catholic and most services I attended with Catholic weddings and Funerals.

Three years ago I married my darling husband who grew up in a very religious family and was no longer practicing. Watching the strong base for morals that he had really inspired me to want to have a better relationship with God and for the past three years in an unintentional way I have definitely been searching what is right for me.

Now I'm not sure what to really call fate but I do know that in my case finding my new church was fate. I was interested in the Mormon faith back when I was in College but never pursued it father then spending time with some Mormon friends. It's when we were relocated to Colorado and my Hubby found me a friend (this was before I had ever been in our home except to make an offer). He was very persistent that I meet her on my first visit to Colorado to see him. I agreed to knock on her door and I have met who I would consider someone who helped save me. I was dealing with many personal struggles and what seemed like a never ending battle with my first husband over our daughters. My spirits where low and dark. I knew I needed something in my life I just wasnt sure what it was until I met this wonderful woman.

As we got to know each other I discovered she was Mormon and I expressed to her my interest I had in her faith since my early twenties. She was surprised, happy and interested and said she would get a copy of the Book of Mormom. On a trip to New Mexico while all my children were away I decided to take a trip to the book store and buy my very first Bible (King James Version). I also found the App in the App Store and started reading and listening to the Book of Mormon. That was one of the most powerful books I have ever had the pleasure of reading from a literary stand point. It was even more powerful for me (and I emphasize ME) spiritually. As I was driving northbound on I-25 to travel to Denver a verse came over on the radio that was so powerful it brought complete peace over my mind and body, it was so powerful I pulled over and listened to it a few more times.

Behold, when ye shall rend that veil of unbelief which doth cause you to remain in your awful state of wickedness, and hardness of heart, and blindness of mind, then shall the great and marvelous things which have been hid up from the foundation of the world from you—yea, when ye shall call upon the Father in my name, with a broken heart and a contrite spirit, then shall ye know that the Father hath remembered the covenant which he made unto your fathers, O house of Israel. 
Ether 4:15

My heart was so hardened from so many past experiences and my situation at the time that I felt empty and darkness. Once I read this it was like something had breathed life back into my heart. I was so uplifted. By the end of that evening I had finished the Book of Mormon and was so inspired I wanted to know more. I wanted to feed my soul that had just been awoken by these powerful words. 

Again enters my dear friend. She brought over my first copy of the Book of Mormon and asked if we wanted to go to church with her and her beautiful family. Hubby agreed and we decided to make a date. Once we were there I was home. I loved it all, everything about it. We were kind enough to be introduced to the missionaries and scheduled our first meeting. In our first lesson it ran so long because I had read so much and had so much to say. That was the beginning of my journey. We have met several times through the past month and I think I have nearly re-read the Book of Mormon and found so many more passages that have made me feel closer to God and given me piece. 

From a mood perspective it has turned a total 180 degres. I am so happy with my life.  I am so happy being a mother to my children (even more then before). I am happy with God and I have faith. Not only religious faith just faith in general. Faith that things will work out. Faith I am protected. Faith in myself. My stress levels has reduced significantly because I am not worried about the small things and cannot control. The faith has brought me so much closer to my children, my family and more importantly to myself. 

I have made the special and conscious decision to make it official and become a member of the Church of Latter Day Saints. This weekend I am taking my first official step into my religious journey and I could not be more excited about it. I am being baptized. This process has been so special to me. The people of my Ward so powerful that I cant wait to continue to grow and learn in my faith, my community and my family. 

Today I had my final study and I was so excited to get to share it with my daughters. One of them participated and even said the closing prayer. It brightened my heart even more. 

I am so excited to share this experience with you, my family and my friends. I will add a tab in the blog that says "My Faith" if you would like to follow me through this journey. 

I hope my testimony encourages you to look inside and maybe say a prayer. 

God Bless and Love Naomi . 


  1. That was so beautiful! Thanks for sharing! I am looking forward to getting to know you:)

    -Sarah Harding

  2. I love that you had such a powerful experience when the Holy Ghost conveyed knowledge in its purest form; truth.
