and baby makes three...

Starting Weight 107

nausea has kicked in, in full effect. I am starving all the time, I eat and then I feel sick.... It's a vicious cycle that just keeps repeating it's self. My clothes fit me still (thank God). Both girls know we are expecting Madalyn is in different, she was excited when we told her but, doesn't really seem to care much now. Julia on the other hand is not happy and has made it clear she does not want a brother.... Hopefully we don't let her down.... Yikes. I started looking into the kind of baby gear I would love to have ( of course I would do such a thing, I love to shop) and have found a few things that I know I really want forsafetyreasons and learning about products while the two girls were infants. All and all I am excited that we are adding our little addition to the family.

Weeks 9-10

I am starting to enter my fat phase, this is always the most difficult for me. I amexhausted. I never want to get out of bed and tons of sleep is not enough sleep. If I leave it takes me the whole next day to recover for the exhaustion. I am told it must be a boy as it has been most of my girls friendsexperienceswhen they had their sons.My appetite is slowing down, I was getting worried I was going to be the size of a whale soon so, I am glad to see itnormalizingslightly. I craved sour dough bread this week. My sickness is settling as well. It starts between three and four in the afternoon (thishappenswith the girls). I ordered my Hypnobirthing CD and book, I want to start early as it really helped me with labor when I was pregnant with Julia.

Today I said I wasn't feeling good and Julia says, "of course you don't you're having a baby silly!" She cracks me up.

weeks 11-12

Turns out I was a whole week farther along then I thought I was, so much for my guessing when I think it may or may not have happened. I had an ultrasound this week and I was a little anxious and nervous. I really wanted to see the baby and just make sure there was one in there and that I am not going out of my mind. At the seven week ultrasound they didnt see anything, which resulted in tons of lab work to confirm I has pregnant (although this had already been done) and blood work every few days to make sure my HCG levels were climbing like they should.

Turns out baby is 12 weeks 1 day old and my due date has been made official at July 30th of this year. When we started
the baby was all rolled into a ball and it took a second to "wake" it up (needless to say I held my breath). Once it was awake it jumped and jerked around everywhere. The tech said at this stage they use your uterus as a trampoline. According to my book at this stage all the babies major organs a fully formed and is 21/2" long. Baby had a healthy heart rate of 155 bpm.

Week 13-16

Week 13 (no pic)- My energy is getting better. I don't want to sleep as mush as I did two weeks ago. My mood is a little on the cranky side but, I am getting better. I am not starving all the time but when I am hungry, I am hungry! I currently want fresh food, thank goodness I am eating healthy so I can look healthy. I think I may have felt a flutter on January 27th. I am in boot camp so I can stay fit and healthy. My grandmother gave me old clothes from when when the girls were brand new and it made me cry, I cant wait to have someone so small in the house again.

Week 14- I have started looking around for the baby items I want and it so hard not to buy anything. It has been so long since I have had a baby that I need everything and I have a serious case of the I wants. I cant wait to find out the gender so I am able to start shopping. I still have not gained any weight and can still fit into my jeans, yay, me!!!!

Week 15- I weigh 117 lbs. I have not had to borrow or buy andmaternityclothes. My jeans still fit (size 0) with the rubber band trick (I can button them but they are to tight). I can feel the baby moving around a little bit (this is my third baby so I know what it feels like and it is wonderful). I am still working out and I always feel so great afterward. I still look toned which is something I have been very concerned about, thank you baby for working with me in the body department. Hubby said I look to thin, that is not like him, he works out like a mad man and thinks I should too... My anxiety is back and I have decided to see my doctor about it and we have me working on it and I feel so much better, I was starting the feel a little crazy and I think hubby feared me on occasion. On February 13th
On February 16th we found out we were having a little girl!!!!!! That is right ladies and gentleman another girl. Hubby is in shock. Julia has stated she no longer has to fear having a brother or bedisappointed in me for giving her a brother. To honest I really wanted another daughter. I just don't think I was cut out for boys. There is going to be a lot of glitter in our house. On the day we found out hubby paced the house worrying about having to pay for three weddings.... If you knew him you would really understand :) He also sent out a text to all his closest friends stating, "it must take a man to make one..." Along with something about how wearing all those pastels in college has caught up with him. At least he found some humor in being surrounded by estrogen for the rest of his life. We are naming her Oliva, the verdict is still out on the middle name. Hubby and the girls are choosing that so I am sure it will be heated, emotional and we wont have anything until the last second. Hubby felt baby move this week. I thought he would be way more excited then he was and so he was in trouble, poor guy! I think maybe being able to see my belly move when I am farther along will be more exciting for him, I hope.

Week 17

My weight this week is 118 llbs after a meal. I am still working out. I was very ill this week and spent most of my time in bed, you could imagine I was not in the best mood, poor family. I sent Julia to stay with my grandparents as she requires a lot of our attention and I just didn't have it in me to give it to her this week. I am sure that by the end of this week hubby is done dealing with me, my attitude and all the hospital visits and doctorsappointments. While in the hospital hubby did have the tech confirm Olivia is in fact a girl. Nothing has changed but, hey it was worth a shot for his sake, right?
Hopefully when I recover we wont have to go through this again for the rest of the pregnancy. I did not have much of anappetitethis week which is to be expected seeing as I was ill.

As far as cravings go I have fallen in love with theseItalianpepper things, thanks Linda. I have been eating them on everything. I was worried as my in-laws are from Chicago and that is where they get them from. Thankfully I found some at World Market and my cabinet is now stocked.

My jeans still fit!!!!! I am starting look more pregnant and less mushy but am seeming to really only gain the weight were I need it to be, thank you so much Olivia for being so good to my body so far. On Madalyn felt the baby move this week and like hubby she was not excited as I expected her to be either. She was more interested in her game. This kid better do something super exciting and soon, I think I am the only one that doesn't think she is boring! We started buys some small baby items this week (yay, I get to shop) and I have started a trunk for her things. Let the nesting begin.

week 18...

I look pregnant (especiallyin the afternoons! Someone who didn't know I was expecting noticed yesterday. I have been wearing belts above my belly so that I don't just look like I am wearing baggy clothes and it really accentuates my belly.

Jeans still fit! I again want to thank Olivia for being good to me so far. I am not sure how much I weigh but, I am sure I have gained a few pounds,things are a little tighter. I will get on the scale this weekend (I am a little worried, I hate the scale). I still kind of have mushy belly when I am sitting (photo to the left was taken at the end of the day) so she has not popped enough for when I sit down so that I really looked stretched out. I have an insaneregimen for when I get ready and go to bed for my skin, it includes tons of oil and it totally grosses hubby out but, I must be doing something right because I don't have any new stretch marks yet and bonus, my old ones from the girls have faded!!!!!!!

My mood has been good and I have been handling my stress level very well if I do say so myself. I handled a messy house for a whole week without freaking out and yelling at everyone and for me that is FANTASTIC :) I am seeing signs that say I am starting to nest, I want to get things done and I have begin organizing closets. This weekend its time to paint, hopefully.

I am craving Mexican food and I am really sorry after I eat it... I have never had heart burn before, mine is very mild but, pesky non the less! According the the book my little Olive is now sensitive to light and her eye muscles are strong enough to move from side to side while looking down. She can also hear loud noises but wont be ableinterpretthem until the third trimester. I am so excited to be almost half way there. The time has gone so fast and it feels like it is really sinking in that I am having a baby. Hubby has been more responsive to the pregnancy and I think that is what is making it all feel more real and exciting. On that note, his excited has also become an obsession over mycaffeine intake and because he has put so much time and thought into his argument as to why I should not have it, I am going to give it up for him, wish me luck.

Today is March 1, 2013 and I am 18 weeks 4 days. I wassurprisedat how big my belly looked in the photos yesterday so I took another one this morning to see what I looked like after I had not have had anything to eat (Mexican food) and I was not sobloated.I feel a little better that my belly didn't get has huge as I thought it had over night (feeling some relief right now)!!!
Today is March 2, 2013 and we went to our first UNM Lobo game as a couple and since I have been pregnant. It is very apparent that Olivia responds to noise because the louder it got the more she jumped around.... She must be exhausted from all theexcitement.

The Photo to the left was taken on March 3, 2013 during a hike with Hubby, and my In-Laws. It took a few minuets to get balanced but, I am thankful Linda gave me the idea. I want Olivia to know that I wasmoderatelyactive while I carried her and that we as a family had fun being active. I am 18 weeks 6 days in the photo, I don't know about her but, I am sleepy tonigt :).

nineteen weeks....

Today is March 5th and I am 19 weeks! Time is flying, let me tell you. I got to wear one of my new dresses today and I loved the way it fit. It isdefiantlya winner. I cant wait to wear the other and already have another on order. I purchased my first pair of maternity jeans this week. I ordered extra small and I am crossing my fingers they will fit the whole pregnancy.

My mood has been good. I am very happy lately. I am less irritated then I was in previous weeks and I am all around feeling a little less mentally crazy then I had in previous weeks. Hubby is happy! Julia asked me if Olivia is coming soon because I am getting fat and my butt is getting really big, leave it to my four year old to help with my self confidence.

I had a doctorsappointmenttoday and all is well. Olivia's heart rate is 120 bpm. My uterus is where it should be and is measuring right on track. My weight is 119 llbs. Not bad, they say I am on track. We scheduled me for my 20 week ultrasound and I am so excited to see our baby girl again and get visible conformation she is a healthy little girl, hopefully she will work with us a little better this time. No major changes to my body other then I am sure my belly is slightly larger. My belly button is still in and the dark line is hardly there. I think the cream I am using is fading it (that is okay with me)!

Well as for the last half of this week I have been verysensitive. I am having a hard time with clothes and it is bringing me to tears each time. Hubby at this point is letting me shop (this is not like him) to try and cheer me up! It is so hard to find things that fit and then that I will like (as I am incredibly picky about color, etc). My belly is getting bigger, its super itchy and I am super oily as a result of damage prevention! I will update a belly pick next week.

20 weeks......

Its so amazing to know we are half way there. I know this seem obvious but, in twenty more weeks I am going to get to hold my baby girl in my arms, it's so exciting.

Today (3-13-13), we had our 20 week ultrasound to check and make sure everything was healthy. Everything looked healthy. She has all the chambers to her heart (138 bpm). Her head and body measured her a few day smaller then she should be, but they said that's normal and well what could I expect. It's not like either one of her parents are tall people, of course she is going to be small. It's hard to tell what she is going to look like, sometimes I think hubby and then in this picture I kind of think she has my profile. Linda says she has a Salazar nose, I still have not figured out what that means..... Once again she had her hands in her mouth when we started the ultrasound and was curled up so cozy. As usual she was not thrilled with the fact that little probe was poking at her. she kicked and squirmed the entire time. AND as usual she would not show the tech a good angle of her face and eventually she dug herself into the placenta and once again the tech gave up. We are scheduled to go back in a month.

I learned today that our doctor (we I loved) is taking a leave of absence and they have no answers for me! It is sofrustrating I am now on the hunt for a new OBGYN, this should be fun as I am veryparticular as to the kind of doctor I want. I will start my research tomorrow and hopefully find one soon as I need to be seen in two weeks and I also need a doctor to look at my ultrasound and give me results.

My body has not really changed much. I think my belly has gotten a little bigger but, I weighed myself today and I am still the same weight, I had my shoes on so I may have lost a little weight.... The dark line on my belly is still very light and my belly button is still not poking out yet either. It's still not close to the surface. So far my skin is handling all the stretching really well. Craziest thing is my hair is turning red. I went to my hairdresser and had her try to tone it down but even after using some of the coolest/ darkest color, it's still a little red. My hair is also losing all of its curly, I wonder if that means Olivia is going to have curly hair? I expect it will be since I had wavy hair and hubby has really curly hair. I would also like to guess that she is going to have very dark hair since both hubby and I do.....

Today March 15, 2013 Julia felt Olivia move for the first time. She thanked her for kicking.

Hubby found a song, "something like Olvia by John Mayer. Its the perfect song for her. I love it, it's my new favorite song. I put it on repeat and put headphones on my belly and it really gets her going. She is a rock star already......

21 weeks.....

What a week! We started off with Julia having a fever which turned into a cough. Madalyn started with a cough, then fever and now rash. I have picked up a head cold and its all a little pesky virus..... And with all this sickness in our house I have begin to have morning sickness!!!! I thought I has escaped it..... Olivia on the other hand thinks she can survive on water and maybe if I'm lucky a protein shake. Maybe she will be a picky eater. My appetite has taken a drastic turn, like back into most women's first trimester turns, YUCK.

I think the paragraph above is pretty self explain torn when it comes to my mood! I'm cranky, hungry stuffy and tired! I guess you could call it the good, the bad and the ugly of growing a baby?

Not much has changed with my body. Same days my belly looks bigger when I keep my food down however I think I look a little smaller then the last week. I am definitely all baby at this point. My belly button is still in and my skin is still stretching with no extra baby damage. My weight has not changed yet. I have cut out working out and burning those additional calories since I can't eat them. My skin on my face and back is a gamble from day to day, I have found a wonderful soap at Phamaca that has really helped and have a spa treatment over the weekend which I am very excited about!!!! Those who know me know I LOVE THE SPA, I'm so excited to spend some time pampering myself.

Olivia moves more and more each day, well I guess I should say I feel her more and more each day. I love when I can feel roll and change position. Those are some serious kicks in the outside of my belly. Julia likes for me to lay down flat on my back and push on my belly until she can find the "hard spot" and then is happy and let's me get up. This usually result in Olivia kicking like crazy once Julia gets up. She also reminds me my belly is huge and that Olivia is getting to big and needs to come out. What it must be like to be four and see pregnancy from her view. Madalyn just kind of sits back and watches, she checks on me every once and awhile and on occasion will touch my belly.... This isn't her first rodeo so it's not such a new ad foreign thing to her.

Nearing my 22nd week

22 Weeks...

I amdefiantlygrowing, everywhere. We battled the colds in the house most of the week but, all are in recovery and I am back to work. Olivia moves a lot at night. I sure hope that little schedule of hers changes,I dont want to be up all night. I am trying to take selfportraits now with my camera to learn how to pose for when I get to the real maternity photo shoot. I look huge, I hardly liked single one. I am going to have to read up more on this.

Every night Julia tells Olivia goodnight and that she loves her, she even gives he a little hug.

Over all I am feeling fine. I am having some evening sickness that kicked in at the end of week 21. Not sure where that came from, but surely out of nowhere. As far as body changes I guess I'm not really noticing them and there hasnt been much of a change in my weight gain. I have a doctors apt the first week of April so I am excited to see what my progress has been. My belly button is still in and no visiblestretchmarks (keeping my fingers crossed)!

23 three weeks....

This is week we had a doctors apt, I have officially gained more weight, I suspected this was happening as my tummy has been so itchy... She is a growing girl. I must say I am having fun dressing my little bump. I spent a lot of time on Pintrest helping me perfect my belly fashion.

This week was a hard week as we were told that Olivia had some fluid in one of her kidneys on her last ultrasound, yesterday was a rough day for me emotionally but, I have wrapped my brain around what is happening and I am ready to face whatever this turns out to be head on. Ibelievethat she is going to be a healthy girl when she is born. I want to thank everyone for the phone calls, texts and sharing yourexperienceswith me, it has brought so much reassurance to my heart, for that I am very blessed.

I would like to say that my belly hasdefiantlypopped and there is no longer mistaking I am pregnant. I have moved into a size small and even medium for some tops and found the cutest pair of maternity jeans from the Gap. I think I am finally starting to get my skin under control or at least I hope I am and have made a commitment to myself to go have a facial once a month to make sure that I am taking care of/pampering myself.

I have been exhausted lately and hungry, very hungry. When I get home from work it takes everything I have to keep my eyes open. Most afternoons when I get home I am taking a nap!!! Olivia takes a lot of energy to bake.

24 Weeks........

What an eventful week for the family. The girls were on spring break and out of town and hubby was out of town on business. I decided to watch a friends grandson who is eight months old and let me tell you what a doll and a quick boot camp back into what it is like to have an infant again. They sure do slow you down and I dont seem to remember needing all that extra time. I will say this, having a baby is like riding a bike. Its amazing how quickly I was able to get into the groove of things and although it was only a short few days, we got into a little bit of a routine.

We had an ultrasound this week. As many of you know Olivia's last ultrasound showed an abnormal amount of fluid in her right kidney. This weeks ultrasound was a follow up to see where she was at with that fluid. As usual she was stubborn but, we were able to see that the fluid in her right kidney had cleared up and now she is showing a similar amount of fluid in her left kidney. At this point I am choosing not to worry, after speaking to many friends who reached out to me (who I want to thank dearly) this is very common and the fact that she switched sides it's highly unlikely that there is something wrong but, rather making a lot of urine. We did get a slight facial 3D picture and I think she is going to look a lot like me. She has my nose and eyes. She has hubbys full lips. I dont know if I have a greatimaginationor if what I am seeing is really what it will turn out to be.

I now weigh 122lbs that is 14lbs total!!!! Yikes. I seem to still be small except in my belly. I amdefiantlywider!!!!! My hair color is doing crazy things and has a red tint to it, I finally died it as dark as I could get it... I hate red!

25 weeks...

I went to a check up with my OBGYN's yesterday and the nurse told me she thinks my pregnancy has gone by fast..... I kind of agree with her. She said it feels like just yesterday I was there to talk to my doctor about being pregnant..... It is a little hard to believe that I only have 15 weeks left until my due date! I personally think she is going to come sooner, call it mothers intuition or maybe I'm wrong. On the past Sunday we had a little check up at the hospital and Olivia gets down and low.. Lets just say mommy is very very uncomfortable and I waddle in the afternoon. Olivia is healthy and she monitored very well over there I am happy to report. She is doing great! Mommy on the other hand is a mess. I think if you are a mom then you know what I am saying when it hit me that I'm pregnant! I don't feel cute anymore, I feel fat. I'm hungry all the time, I pee all the time, I am tired but can't sleep and I am so uncomfortable that I think someone should put me in a comma and wake me up when it's done. I am very insecure about how I look and I am not glowing! These are the uglies that no one tells about when we decide to have a baby and the ones we forget every time we want to have another baby. I am glad I'm documenting it even more then I did before so next time I want one I can read that from this point on its not that much fun.

I am starting to get anxious as I feel like we are not preparing fast enough with any baby gear or getting our house ready for a baby. I am really hoping that the hubby takes me serious about painting this weekend. We got our first baby gift this week, our Britax travel system from the Martini girls. Inputting it together makes me so excited to have her in it and strolling her around.....

26 and 27 weeks.....
I officially feel very pregnant..... Although I have been told I am not that big as a pregnant person, I feel enormous and huge. My belly is growing day by day. I am mid week of my 27th week and I am itchy, I must be putting lotion on five times a day.

I will say that I have stayed in relativity good shape so far as we have joined a health club and I can still hold my balance in yoga and I even did 2.25 miles on the treadmill last week. With that said this week has been a complete bust and I have not worked out at all. I have been exhausted, Olivia has been giving my pelvic bone a fun for its money and I have given up all hope for comfort and working out only exasperates her behavior and my discomfort. Its a fine line to walk and I still have not perfected not "over doing" it in the last 27 weeks. I will perfect this before week 40!!!!

In the work front this have changed, again! I have left my job in Santa Fe and decided to work only my part-time job in Corrales. It has freed up two days a week for me and this week was my first official week for those two days. Julia is home with me and she keeps me company all day. I am lucky she is a lazy kid who wants to be in her PJ's at least one day a week. She lets me rest on my days off. She is very interested in her little sister and so she is very patient with me when I dont feel good and she is always available to watch my belly move and push on my stomach to find the "hard spot."

Madalyn is also becoming very aware of the fact there is indeed a baby coming. She is becoming much more interested in Olivia moving but is still very grossed out by the facts on how babies, including herself, enter this world. She has announced on several occasions that she will not be getting married or having babies when she grows up, now if only that were true.

Hubby has also come leaps and bounds in the last couple of weeks. He still doesnt totally getting and most of the time thinks I have gone nuts and he needs to commit me to some sort of institution however, he is finally realizing that this is not so permanent and that at some point I will cook dinner again. He to has been a little more interested in my stomach and has even left for a late night craving with no complaints. He is starting to get excited for the baby part. I hope for his sake my hormones normalize quickly after she is born.

As far as physical symptoms go, my skin has been attacked once again by my hormones and I am figuring out what does and does not work. I have grown quite a bit and it is getting harder to move around. I can still see my feet, yay me. Lets just say I cant sit straight up with my ab muscles anymore.... Even though I am beginning the most uncomfortable phase I am excited to be in the home stretch and nearing the end of the pregnancy :)!

Twenty Eight - Thirty Three Weeks

Wow, has it really been five weeks since I have updated?! There is so much to say, but I am going to keep it short and simple..... We were blessed to be able to go to Chicago and celebrate Olivia with our family there. They through us a wonderful baby shower. Everything was planned so perfectly, thank you Gina for such wonderful little favors. I had the best little buddy while I was there, Jake... I made my weekend. I have never been so attended too, it was wonderful. I spent a week at least recovering form all the socializing and the flight. I would swell up seven pounds in a day!!!!! That is a lot of water. 

Olivia was breach at her last ultrasound and then confirmed breach again at her last doctors appointment. We meet with a new doctor next week and we will see where she is at. If I had to guess she has not turned, they are going to give her thirty-six weeks to figure it out before we intervene. I have never had a c-section and the sheer fact that it is a possibility is making me very nervous. I am big on the natural process, I guess because that is the only way I have ever done it and even more terrified that I dont get to have my screaming baby thrown on top of me for us to bond. I finally visited YouTube and turns out there is a modified version of that if you have a c-section and I am going to talk to the doc about it next week. 

She still has the fluid in her kidney, but they are not going to pursue it any further. They are going to refer her to pediatrics and we will meet with them after she is born. I am not sure what the process is and if any of you out there have been through it your comments and advice would be much welcomed. 


  1. Glad to hear all is going well! The hike sounds like fun. All snow here and I'm getting cabin fever! Can't wait to meet Olivia.

    I'm enjoying the updates!

    Love you all BUNCHES!!!
    Aunt Gail

    1. Thanks Gail.... I enjoy documenting the kids lives from the time I find out about them.....
