Sunday, January 25, 2015

A letter to my daughters.

 To the most special girls in my life this letter is for you. It's is a letter I will not give to you one but will share with the world. One day as each of you have the proper time in you life to receive this I will happily share it with you. For as you mother I know deep in my heat there will be a time at individual times for each of you that these words will be right for that moment. 

Dear Madalyn Aneda, Julia Elizabeth and Olivia Bella;

How could could I start this letter without expressing the love I have for each one of you. Each love different but each love so powerful within me that there in a genuine equalality to it all. You three girls brighten my world each and everyday. You have molded me one by one into the woman I have become today. With each of you I strived to achieve more and more so that you would never desire for nothing. I've starved to give you everything a child needs; love, family, security, happiness and never ending fun. Most importantlyof all things my love for you and sharing my love for God. A love that you will never understand until one day you become mothers. As I look at each of you I see bits and pieces of me and your fathers. I see the good and the challenges. I see independence. I perservieence. AND all though you are crazy and young girls, I see success. I don't see it for you because that's what I want for you. I see it because it bbeams like a bright light from each one if your souls! 

Madalyn, you changed my world. You took me from a young and self entitled child and made me see that there was something, someone so much more important then anything.... So much more important them me and my own life. You took me and softened me into a mother. We grew together, we managed together. We weathered all our storms you and me. You are the most like me! You are strong yet sensitive. You need control and you always want to know. As we interacte day to day I see your father and your step father. I see how we as three parents are doing our best to mold you into someone we can continue to be proud of. It is my dream and desire to watch you grow. To watch you become a confident and respectful person. To recognizing your flaws and admitted when you are wrong.  All things I've struggled with through my life and naturally I want you to be a better person then I could ever be, that REALLY goes for all three of you!

It is my dream to watch you three walk you down many isles of life... The day you graduate high school. The day I watch you receive your college degree. The day I get to see you pure in life and pure in heart as you walk down the isle to start you independent life away from me and your fathers and build your own family. The day that excites me and terrifies me the most is the day I get to see you become mothers! 

Madalyn, I want to apologize to you for things you have been through, you struggle everyday trying to be apart of a blended family. The maturity you exude is remarkable and I know that like the 
Lord watched over me through a very difficult childhood He is watching over you guiding you and one day will ultimately he will bring you peace to be settled in such a wonderful family. I am sorry I changed your life the day I left your father but I want you to know I did it for you girls. I did for your futures. I did it because I loved you more then myself and more then what people were going to think of us. 

Julia,  you are my blessing. You remind me all things good. All things innocencent. I respect you so much as a person. You demeanor, you unconditional love and your willingness to accept anyone. Your willingness to sacrifice for for others happiness is beyond your years. I know from deep with in my soul you will always be kind and genuine at heart. You bring light to my life every minuet of everyday. All I have to do is look at you and you clear my woes and worries. You were sent to me from Gid to be my angel. When God decided to bless you with me you He gave me a true miracle. 

I couldn't live my life without you. You are my inner peace. Looking at you brings me pure happiness and joy. You bring joy to all of us. You are spitting image of your father but every part if you is Brent. We all believe you are a gift from God sent to make each one of us better. 

I know you will do great things in life. When I look at you you shine with unending success.... You are the closet there is to perfect and I thank God everyday for picking me." There is not enough thanks to go around for bringing you into my life and our village that has helped raise you. I can sure wait to see you grown. What I sure can't wait for is to see how successful I know you will become. Successful in your faith and in your life! You are a true miracle... And I love you. 

Oaky baby O, what a doll you are. My beatiful baby. The last baby I will ever carry. You look like a doll. You act like a doll. You keep me guessing everyday. You grow and develop so fast, faster then I ever imagined. You are my miracle. Your personality leaves me guessing. Your smile is an unending one. You mischief keeps me on my toes. I can't take my eyes off you for a second and I love when you hold me in your arms. I see so much strength within your little heart! I see so much ambition in your soul.

I know you will be a challenge but I look forward to every challenge  you put in our path. Because in the end we will all grow together. We will be strong we will always be together. And I will always love you. 

Growing all of you in my belly was the definition of perfection. There is nothing better then looking at each one if you on day one a drinking your life into my soul. As your mom I want to map out which road you take and which hand you'll hold. But I know you will make your own way. You all will make your own way. I can only hope that I will lead  by the best example for you. I will provide a life you will want for your own children. I hope you provide a better life for them then I did for you. I wish and pray for your success. Because you always deserve kinder, more love, and something better then I could ever provide. 

You girls are my life. My heaven. My moon. My stars. My everything. 

Love -Mommy

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