Thursday, January 15, 2015

As promised, Lavender Cookies (done my way of course)!

These cookies started off with an original recipe. Being the semi health nut that I am or as my husband explains it to everyone "hippie" I made them as healthy as I could. I even dared to let the kids eat them right before bed! Living dangerously I know!

The "I'm going to make you obese recipe"  

5/8 cup butter
1 1/2 cup white all purpose flower
1/2 cup white sugar
1 tablespoon lavender

Pre heat to 350
Bake time 15 min 

Cream butter and sugar
Add beat egg
Add dry ingredients 

Super simple yet sooooo bad for you! 

I am going to post my version of this simple yet oh so yummy recipe and at the end will explain the method to my madness and health benefits. Plus I am a woman who had a career and detail was my middle name. 

1cup coconut oil
1 1/2 cup whole grain flower 
1 beat organic brown egg
1/4 cup coconut palm sugar
1/4 sugar in the raw
1 tablespoon lavender

Same directions as above scoped into 1" balls in a non stick cookie sheet. 

Why coconut oil and not butter? The saturated fat of course. Coconut oil has so many healthy fats and benefits for the body it's an obvious substitute. 

What is coconut palm sugar? 

Coconut sugar is the boiled and dehydrated sap of the coconut palm. It comes with a higher price tag than granulated sugar but offers the same number of carbohydrates and calories. The benefits of coconut sugar are making it a hot commodity in the health food world -- this form of sugar does offer some trace nutrients and may have less of a dramatic impact on your blood sugar than other types of sweeteners.

Low Glycemic Impact

The glycemic index measures the effects of carbohydrates on your blood sugar. Coconut sugar ranks just 35 on this index, while regular table sugar ranks between 60 and 75. Foods high on the glycemic index cause your blood sugar to spike, which can lead to a sugar rush and subsequent crash. Fast spikes in blood sugar can also cause your insulin levels to soar in a short period of time, and this can have serious consequences for diabetics.

What is sugar in the raw besides delicious? It's not refined and bleached. 

Enjoy baking....

Love -N



  1. Looks yummy! What kind of lavender do you use?

  2. The kind you can purchase at a farmers market or I purchased mine at vitamin cottage.
