Monday, August 12, 2013

Baby is finally here.

I'm excited to announce as most of you know that Olivia's finally here. I just checked the blog I noticed that my last update was around 27 weeks. Well Olivia has a condition called interuterine growth restriction and was delivered early, needless to say she made it incredibly complicated on her journey in. I was scheduled to be induced at 38 weeks July 15, 2013. We went in the morning of the 15th with a plan to have a baby that they naturally however in the process of the induction I felt Olivia turn. After confirmation by the doctor she had indeed gone reach again which he had been doing the entire pregnancy. And so we had a decision to make. Although I was given the option of a C-section the doctor did not really want to do it and eventually I got frustrated and left. I then made an appointment with my doctor first thing in the morning and because Of the stress my blood pressure was very high when I got there the next day. Needless to say I was sent over the labor and delivery to have a baby that very morning. After about a three hour wait for my turn in line for a C-section I delivered my final baby the way I never thought it would, via C-section. Like hubby says I'm a pretty much a hippie and so I was somewhat disappointed when I realize that I was not gonna get the skin to skin that I wanted, forget to nursing immediately like I had planned. This time I would feel no labor and would deliver a baby in about 15 minuets.

What's nice about a C-section if everything is methodically planned and I'll explain to you you know what's going to happen right before it happens or hours before it's going to happen. When I met my sweet sweet delivery nurse she came in and explained everything to me. She let me know that she would be by my side the entire time and take care of me until I was moved to recovery. She was a complete sweetheart. She really know how to hubby right into his place. I don't think that man has ever met his match in with and jokes. Once the anesthesiologist came in to roll me off into the operating room I was not met by a team of people which included my doctor, all of her staff, the pediatric staff and NICU. I was told that she needed to be a minimum of 5 lbs. 8 oz. in order for my baby girl to come into recovery with me. If she was below that or at that weight she would spend four hours being monitored by NICH. Well, in true Olivia fashion she was one ounce over her weight limit at 5 lbs. 9 oz. The delivery was incredibly quick, and all I wanted to hear if what I heard, my little girl was screaming at the top her lungs. As they prepared to sew me back up the sweet anesthesiologist took plenty of family pictures. Hubby and Olivia were whisked out if the room as my doctors prepared to finish me off. Turns out I'm a bleeder, as I was in there for quite a while getting the bleeding to stop and in order to get me finished up once that happened I was rolled into recovery, from what I understand my Olivia cried for me until I was in the room. As I usually do baby I immediately nursed her so that we were able to bond. I was so excited to meet my sweet sweet baby girl.

Madalyn and Julia have been the most amazing big sisters I could ask for. I have not had to deal with any jealousy whatsoever. Julia thinks that Olivia is the best thing that has ever happened. You would think Olivia is a huge celebrity that Julia has always wanted to meet. The both of them are totally grossed out by the dirty diapers and icky laundry. Every time she spits up it's a huge drama if one of the girls are holding her. Madalyn is doing great at carrying her around. Yesterday I used her to get Olivia out of the cradle and bring her to me because I couldn't come right away. If Olivia is crying and I leave her for more than a second Julia comes rushing in and snaps at me that the baby is crying and I need to get her...... I truly am blessed and very fortunate to have such wonderful daughters.

I'm going to add a new tab to the blog that is just about the family now that the baby is here. There is where you can find all the updates about Olivia and of course anything happening with the girls. As you know babies have a lot more things to report about as we reach so many different milestones. Madalyn is about to start second grade in one week. And we have one more year left of preschool with Julia. I can tell you that the last month since Olivia arrived into our family it has definitely been a journey. It's going to be a huge adjustment adding a third child into the mix. I'm very excited to see how they'll grow as sisters together. And very excited to share it with all of you. Love, Naomi

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