Friday, January 16, 2015

The most important part of my beauty regimen!

As scary as this is for me, this is me. The real me. Not the photos you see of me with makeup, filters or when I modeled and was retouched. This is me right before bed. As many iof you know I have struggled with acne my entire life and with pregnancy it made me look like a monster (I never had a pregnancy glow)! I have spent years and countless amounts of money trying to figure it all out. 

After seeing a dermotologist to get things under control I learned about the internal causes of acne. I'm a reader and a researcher and I quickly went to work. The first thing I discovered was Face Mapping. What it does is take specific areas of your face and give you a road map if you will what the internal cause to the problem area is. 

We all hear consume water! Hydrate! I have also learned our digestive systems play a huge role in our appearance. We turly are what me eat. Let's start from top to bottom. 

The small intestine- this is where our nutrients are absorbed and if it becomes backed up we have problems.... It's important to eat heathly and avoid things such as caffeine and alcohol. Fast food, just say NO! If you are having breakouts in this area it's important to first start cleansing. Please be aware you will be flushing toxins from your body and drink plenty of water so you do not dehydrate yourself!!!! There are supplements and a pink sea salt cleanse you can try. This will only  work if you make a commitment to yourself to eat healthier. 

The bladder- water, water and more water. Don't hold it and if your retaining water I have found a watermelon seed supplement is magical. Make sure you're moving your body so you don't retain water in your legs. For me I am prone to UTI's and I take a cranberry supplement. 

Your heart- it's so important to be a little active. I chase children all day eat a healthy diet and still try and go to the gym. It's so important to move your body to help cleanse and pump your blood. By no means am I in tip top shape :/

Your liver- it can't filter toxins if it's full of toxins..... Don't put toxic things into your body! Help keep you liver in tip top shape with a liver cleanse. Make sure you are cleansing your colon at the same time :)

Stomach- again I cannot stress this enough. Eat as clean as possible. Cleanse your body regularly. 

Large intestine- say this with me, "probiotics are my best friend!" Along with that are regular colon cleanses. I have learned the more build up the more likely breakouts will occur. I take a colon cleanser regularly. 

Gynecological- you know those pesky mountains that remind you the one thing you hate the most is about to happen. Primrose oil helps this by balancing hormones. If the acne is spreading to your haw line, GET HELP! Yes that's right you more then likely have a sever hormonal problem and need help from a dermotogist! 

Our bodies are our temples and instead of covering it up in makeup try and solve the problem... Once you have solved the internal problem you can work on your external skin care and then on to the fun stuff, MAKEUP (I'm no expert)!

Love -N 

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