Tuesday, February 26, 2013

be skinny while healthy, we are not technically eating for two!

I was introduced to this program, website, app by my personal trainer and dear friend Leanne, pre-pregnancy. I use it to track calories I was taking in and the calories I was burning with our weekly workouts. This place tracks everything from 'traditional exercise to the day to day mom stuff, like walking while carrying your baby in a sling or cleaning house. You can set it to help you loose weight, gain weight or just maintain. Pre-baby I was eating about 1200 calories a day to shed a few pounds before I got pregnant. The books say to adjust your eating habits and eat an additional 300-500 calories more per day to maintain a healthy pregnancy. All I had to do was adjust my goals to bring me to a 1650 calories per day diet and presto it helps me stay within my goals so I don't gain more weight then I have too. Do I do it everyday? No, sometimes I forget but, for the most part yes I do it regularly and it is nice to see what I am eating, it holds me accountable to eat healthy and being healthy is what it's all about for me and baby. Now why I gained ten pounds in my first 12-weeks, I couldn't tell you, it has happened all three pregnancy's. What I can tell you is that it keeps me away from most fast food unless I am dying for it and forces me to want to work out to see that I am doing something healthy for not only me but, my baby.  You can visit their website to find out more about their program at www.myfitnesspal.com/.  

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