Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Beauty Regimen Part 3 - Disclaimer I am no expert!

I technically have three make up routines. The I am going to be a total mom today and go almost commando in the makeup department. The I have to leave the house and be presentable makeup look. Finally, the family picture day or I have to get in front of a ton of people day and have lots of pictures taken makeup.

I guess I have to the the one thing that I am really big on when it comes to my make up is the quality of it. I look for skin care in my "everyday" type makeup. Things that are not going to damage my skin but rather help heal it and give me the true youthful glow. I tend to go for natural oil based makeups, mineral make ups and organic makeups over the traditional really popular stuff.  Now I want to add in my typical disclaimer: I have my preferences in make up and there are some makeup I just don't like that tend to be very popular. These are all based on personal experiences with how my skin reacted to such brands.
Lets start with most of my days Mom Days..... This consists of me being lucky to take a shower (lets be real if your a mom and reading this you just shock your head yes). On these glorious mornings I get up have a glass of water, follow my morning beauty regimen. I then use my tinted moisturizer made by Natura Bisse, The Cure Sheer Oil-Free Fluid SPF 20 Hydrating Color Detox. I love this stuff it gives a light coverage to my skin and evens everything out. Its intended purpose is to detoxify and purify your skin with a nice natural glow. I then take a large powdered foundation brush and I put a little of  Jane Iredales Pure Pressed Base over my forehead and the creases of my nose to prevent oil. This also has an SPF of 20 and is a nice weightless good for you mineral foundation. I place it in these areas so that as my skin gets oily it helps control that oil. I am not one for touch ups during the day. Now I love the whole innocent dewy look so on these Mom makeup days. I use a Free People highlighter on the top of my nose, my eyes, cheekbones, above my lips and my chin. Again this product is all natural based with healthy oils and softens my skin and helps keep it moisturized. I then top it off with a mascara ( I tons and its whatever I grab out of the drawer) and a blush stick made by Tarte that my sister-in-law gave me for Family Day which I happen to love. A little Savannah Bee lip balm (earl grey flavor is my favorite) and I am out the door. All in all make up time under ten-minuets! Not bad for mom makeup.

I have really struggled with this one and have tried tons and tons of them some natural and some that everybody swears by..... I hated them all. Tarte was way to heavy and almost impossible to match my skin color. MAC, where do I start? I seriously thing that stuff causes acne. I know the gals at the counter say that it doesn't clog your pores but hello acne city. That stuff is almost impossible to wash off your face. It always leaves a film that feels like it will never come off. it destroys your Clairsonic brushes. There are several that I can list off, the list is so long.

I do have an all time favorite mineral based foundation. Its a loose powder by La Bella Donna, it is almost impossible to find. Living in New Mexico there was on retailer in Downtown Santa Fe and I always got a parking ticket (mostly their fault because parking doesn't exist there).

To start the, I have to be more presentable look I do start with my tinted moisturizer and then move onto a liquid foundation...... I have recently discovered another Jane Iredale product called Liquid Mineral Foundation. The beads and spheres are visible in an airless pump. They are actually lipsomes encapsulating liposomes. The active ingredients time release into the skin. It literally feels like you are wearing nothing at all. The coverage is light/medium but mixing the two really gives my skin a glow that lasts all day long. I still powder my forehead and creases of my nose. Again, not to sound like a broken record, I do love the dewy look so I highlight away. Now the key to this is making sure you don't look oily or like a stripper with a ton of glitter all over your face...... ;) I accent my cheek bones with a blush either my Tarte or another by Jane Iredale called the Quad Bronzer.  I just use it and flow the pattern on my face that I should be applying blush. for my eyes I tend to stick to the brown family and thanks again to my sister-in-law I am now hooked and fully stocked on all the best eyes shadows. I love the neutral lines from Benifit. I line my lower and upper lid with a medium brown pencil and then use a light base shadow and a darker to medium brown for the natural smokey effect." Is that even a real makeup term? Probably not. I typically use my go to lip balm as listed above or a clear lip gloss. Its rare I do a color on my lips. It not my thing. I just like them to shine.

When I need something a little heavier I use a foundation stick from Benifit and my Beauty Blender.  Ladies that thing is a makeup tool sent from God! I also do heavier on the blush and highlighting as well as a dark smokey eye. Mascara is definitely not something I have major preferences about other then I have water proof mascara, it is clumpy and gross. I also line my inner lower eye lid with a Laura Mercier dark blue liner. It was a trick taught to me by one of the original Clinque makeup artists from the 1960's. Every time my eyes are done this way I get tons and tons of compliments about how beautiful my eyes are. Lets be real I have boring brown eyes.

Last but not least keep your tools and make up clean. Again its all about keeping our skin as healthy and ageless as possible. I do keep a small kit in my purse by Jane Iredale, Starter Kits. Always great for touch ups and emergencies. Love the hydration spray!

I know now that as of now I am officially THIRTY! I would like to be confused for low twenties as much as possible. Wishful thinking I know....... hopefully thanks to all this great makeup I can still fool a couple people for a few more years. Although my three kids usually give it away!

Have fun playing makeup.

Love - N

PS- If you are interested in my body skin care my top product is Savannah Bee Body Butter. I sell this if you want to know more about it.

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